Blend of colors both bold and soft. Slow growing but once they bloom they bloom! Open pollinated.
Size: 1.5” Soil Block grown in Vermont Compost Potting Soil
Variety: Lions Mouth Blend
Spacing: 12”
Days to Maturity: 110
Blend of colors both bold and soft. Slow growing but once they bloom they bloom! Open pollinated.
Size: 1.5” Soil Block grown in Vermont Compost Potting Soil
Variety: Lions Mouth Blend
Spacing: 12”
Days to Maturity: 110
Blend of colors both bold and soft. Slow growing but once they bloom they bloom! Open pollinated.
Size: 1.5” Soil Block grown in Vermont Compost Potting Soil
Variety: Lions Mouth Blend
Spacing: 12”
Days to Maturity: 110